
Lows' services for Trusts

Allied to Lows services administration, Lows act for and advise a number of personal/family and charitable trusts.  Trusts are commonly used to facilitate asset management and could be described, very roughly, as the lifetime equivalent of making bequests by way of a Will. 

Trusts can be appropriate for individuals who wish to minimise a potential future Inheritance Tax liability, for individuals who plan to spend extensive periods of time abroad or where provision is to be made for beneficiaries who may lack full capacity to manage their own affairs.

StaffWorking4.jpgLows' specialist experience

Trust law is highly complex, and full and detailed knowledge of the relevant legal and taxation rules is essential.  The Solicitors in our trust department have extensive professional experience, and again are backed up by qualified paralegal staff.  In particular cases we are able to obtain for clients advice from trust specialists, both in Scotland and wider afield where circumstances demand.  

Specialist tax advice for Trusts from Lows

Our accountant and taxation specialist Rob Learmonth is available to give trusts and charitable organisations advice on the often complex tax arrangements here. 


Duncan Hill
Duncan Hill
Roy Flett
Roy Flett
Rob Learmonth
Rob Learmonth