2 Building Sites Near Hescombe, Stronsay, Orkney, KW17 2AG


The 2 building sites near Hescombe offer beautiful sea views and extend down to the mean low water mark. The sites are offered for sale with a selfbuild option (OIC ref 21/188/PP) or, subject to planning consent, to include a completed, well insulated, 1 or 2 bedroom modular house. There is also a further option of “off-grid living” with solar, wind turbine, water bore hole and rainwater harvesting.

Offers over £25,000 for each site. Completed Houses from £165,000.


Stronsay is one of Orkney’s outer north isles. The island’s amenities include primary and junior secondary schools, general stores, post office and hotel. The island is connected to the Orkney mainland by scheduled air and ferry services.

The 2 building sites near Hescombe offer beautiful sea views and extend down to the mean low water mark. The sites are offered for sale with a selfbuild
option (OIC ref 21/188/PP) or, subject to planning consent, to include a completed, well insulated, 1 or 2 bedroom modular house. There is also a further option of “off-grid living” with solar, wind turbine, water bore hole and rainwater harvesting.

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sites at Hescombe
Lows Orkney
sites at Hescombe


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