
Lows offer a quality Will Writing Service, with financial planning and tax advice in-house.

The importance of writing a will

Succession law in Scotland is completely distinct.  Most people want to be sure that once they pass away they’ve left a Will which makes their instructions clear and allows their estate to be wound up straightforwardly. 

Peace of mind comes as standard

Whilst other organisations, e.g. banks, offer Will writing services, most people still prefer the reassurance that comes with having their Solicitor prepare their Will.  Lows offer a full Will writing and estate planning service, and our services in this area are complemented by input from our specialist financial and taxation advisers. 

StaffWorking3.jpgWe will keep your will safe

In Scotland there is no national Wills Register and keeping a Will at home is not recommended.  At Lows we have a custom built strongroom where clients’ Wills are stored entirely free of charge (NB banks and other organisations often charge an annual fee for Will storage).  

Why make a will?

There is no legal requirement in Scotland for somebody to make a Will but it is a very good idea to do so.  Research shows, unfortunately, only about one in every three adults has made a Will and at Lows we want clients to feel confident that getting their affairs in order is not something that they should fear.  

Updating an existing will

Where clients have existing Wills we provide a full Will review service and can prepare Codicils (amending documents) or fresh Wills to client requirements. 

Duncan Hill
Duncan Hill
Roy Flett
Roy Flett