
Lows help you to manage problems constructively  when they arise

The focus of our advice to commercial clients is, of course, to ensure that their businesses run smoothly and, all being well, that they never encounter problems with, for example, contractual disputes, employment issues or investigation/enforcement action by regulatory authorities such as local authority, health and safety executive and the like. 

There are, however, times when even the best run businesses can find themselves in a dispute and at Lows we have extensive experience in helping clients to resolve these as straightforwardly and cost effectively as possible. 

Contractual disputes

We have advised clients on interpretation of contracts they have entered into and the likely effect of any breach of contract.  

When disputes can't be resolved, it's good to have Lows in your corner

In cases where clients may wish to use mediation or formal Alternative Dispute Resolution we have links with established providers in this area.